Wednesday, September 24, 2014

multi-playing animation

What I Learned:

 In this project we learned how to create a moving scene using 5 different layers with different distances. I learned how to use the ruler tool in photoshop to practically cut it up into pieces and for this project I used it to benefit me. I also learned that you have to make sure you merge your layers because if you don't when you go into aftereffects in might not work it happened to me. I liked this project it wasn't very hard and it had me understand more of keyframes and timing in aftereffects.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The chase

What I learned:

I learned that you need to have your props and clothing every day with you or it will look different. This happened in my story when you can see how my hair started up and then goes down and it was constantly up to down. I  also learned that make sure your iris ring is down and not all the way up because one of shots was so bright and we couldn't change it in Final Cut pro.

How I worked with my group:

We sometimes disagreed on things and we forgot our materials once and overall thought we worked well together. No one really said this is my idea or the highway. I wanted everyone to have good input and be the position they wanted.

What I could do better:

well next time maybe figure out all our shots and have a more adapted storyboard. Our storyboard wasn't the best and it didn't really have what we needed on it. It didn't have a very good story line to follow this isn't my best work I wish we would came up with a better idea and really stick with that we dint really stick with a constant idea.

Monday, September 15, 2014


I learned that when doing a walking or moving sequence you need to make a new pre comp for everything you make. I also learned some what how to use the puppet tool and am starting to understand aftereffects.  I would redo the whole drawing I awful drawing skill I am not an artist so I wish I could make it better. I don't think its good at all it is not my good work but I am on the way to understand aftereffects and the fundamitals of animation.

Timeline of sun legs

This walking sequence wasn't easy I had a lot of problems of having both of the legs in the same layer at first so I had to duplicate the legs and make a whole new layer for each leg. It got very confusing and I don't think I fully understood what we were doing. The keyframes over all were working fine I just need to remember to use the shortcuts on the keyboard to make it faster and  it would probably cut my time in half. I started with a simple walking sequence of each leg. Then I copy the keyframes and just duplicated them to get the ending project. You might also notice that the swirls rotate around  I thought it was important and so I could give it something else besides walking.

1st drawing

The character I chose to draw was a sun because I like the colors in brings it out. I also thought it would be easy draw because I am not the best artist and it has some pretty simple structures. I also thought okay this isn't working lets draw something else bead idea. I drew a flower and got further behind then ended up going back to the sun.

Friday, September 12, 2014


The six shots I used are over the shoulder a shot where you film the character from behind. Wide shot is where you get a sense of the characters being and surroundings and you can see majority of their body in it. Medium shot is where you can see from the hips up of the characters and get an idea of the background. Extreme close up is where your only getting like there hands typing or in my case of the characters mouth. Close up is where you can see the character face and a little bit of there neck and shoulders and still not really an idea of the background.  Extreme wide shot where to really get the setting not so much the character.

I learned that you need to keep your camera on the tripod because shots can get shaky and you don't want that and also decide a good setting for the video and work area.

Next time i will keep the camera on the tripod and go out with a more developed story board.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Worm animation

My worm honestly isn't the best my first worm messed up and stuff and I do not know why? This project I had a lot of problems with the pins and moving to worm into a way it looked normal. This worm is named Larry and doesn't look normal at all. Maybe next time our drawing animation I can figure out how to use it better and make it loo more human and real like and have the motions look normal. Not like this messed up worm named Larry, Larry has some issues okay. But i did learn that you need to make multiple layers because the first time I put my worm in the sam layer as my grass which is a no. I also learned a little bit more about the timing an d keyframes.

Friday, September 5, 2014

AB six shot sequence

What I learned:I learned how to properly focus the camera and make the shot stand out. I also learned how to properly story board and have a contiously motion.

What I will apply next time: Next time i will work on having a good story and adapting what I have learned and making it look better and more mature. Also when the plan changes adapt to it.

Defining Collaboration: The action of working with someone well is the technical definition. I think it describes it the best think. If you can be collaboration and work well when something goes wrong your a good sidekick. I think in my group we worked well together for never ever talking to each other.