Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hunger Games Final

The goal for this project was to capture the a remix of the Hunger Games and portray the shooting of a victim in the hunger games and have them get hit by a arrow. We wanted the audience to feel bad for Pope when she died but the real the victim was suppose to me but I broke my arm and didn't think it would be wise to fall on the ground.

Our production process was first collaborate about an idea and the idea of the hunger games came into our minds. The new started making our story board and created scenes and shots to get ready to film. 
We had a problem with not knowing if the studio was open and that caused us to be behind. Once we got in the studio and started doing our three point lighting that was the most difficult part and figuring out our shot sequence. We made a mistake by have a moving image because we thought we could edit a movie image and not just take still shots. But we ended up having a moving image and that made it 10 times harder. once we got back to the room and started the editing process and we had some problems in editing because we really didn't know what we were doing, so Mr. Netterville had to help us out a lot and teach us hoe to take our moving image and have it in a different place. After we finished editing and making our arrow in Maya and Aftereffects we then rendered it out and put in the server folder.

If I could go back and fix the moving image and how hard that was to edit I would change our movie to having a still shots. Also I wish I personally would be more of a team member and helped my team out. I didn't help out very much and i should of so we could have a even better product in the long run. 

If i didn't have to change anything i wouldn't trade my group for anything we all get along so well and all love each other. I wouldn't change our idea because we still captured a story in 7 seconds which is pretty cool. I loved the background and I give props to Sarah Price for finding our amazing background. 

I have learned how to use a green screen which is so cool and a great source because I will be in convergence next year and we use a green screen for our broadcast and knowing how to light it and use it is a great source. I learned a lot this year more than I thought I would and all the resources you gave me will help me in the future through my journey in film and journalism.

video would not upload and is now in server folder

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